Short Term Scheduling

Short Term Scheduling

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Introduction to Short-Term Scheduling

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Types of Short-Term Scheduling

Characteristics of Short-Term Scheduling

        The quality of a product is usually manufactured according to the needs of customers, thus the way of manufacturing the product sometimes can be different considerably in terms of processing requirements, material needed, processing sequence and setups. Therefore, the techniques involved in the short-period planning in order to optimise the production lines in addition to meeting the requirements of the customers are adopted.

The adopted techniques which is dependent on the volume of products, the nature of operations, and the overall performance of jobs must at least achieve the following four criteria .

Minimise Completion Time : This is evaluated by determining the average completion time for each job.

Maximise Utilization : This is evaluated by determining the percent of the time the facility is utilised.

Minimise Work-in-process : This is evaluated by determining the average number of jobs in the system. The relationship between the number of jobs in the system and WIP inventory is high. Therefore, the fewer the number of jobs in the system, the lower the inventory.

Minimize Customer Waiting Time : This is evaluated by determining the avarege number of late days.

           In addition, the techniques introduced on the web site are for the purposes of learning. Hence, they are particularly presented in a more understandable way with the step-by-step instructions included. This web site, in fact, is designed for those people who have some basic knowledge of this topic.

    Types of Short-Term Scheduling Types of Short-Term Scheduling

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